Your Name

Career Knowledge

Present your knowledge about the career you are planning to pursue or are curious about by presenting the research you’ve conducted.   Answer the following questions in an essay that is at least 800 words.

  • Job Tasks: Describe a typical day for someone working in this career? What duties and responsibilities do they have?
  • Skills & Abilities: What skills and abilities will help someone to be successful in this career?
  • Education & Training: What is the degree(s), certificate(s) and/or training required to develop entry level job skills? What is the average amount of time it would take to complete them?
  • Working Conditions: Describe typical working conditions. This might include physical and psychological aspects of work environment, hours, travel, nature of supervision, social obligations, location of employers, etc.
  • Salary: What is the starting salary and the salary for someone with experience? You might provide national and Colorado averages to demonstrate ranges.
  • Job Market: What is the predicted job market (outlook for employment opportunities, chance for advancement, etc.)? How likely will jobs be available in the area that you want to live in the future?
  • You must have at least 5 sources.  An informational interview with a professional in the field can count as two sources. 
  • Give credit to the sources/authors of the information that you use in your writing. You do this by citing or referring to your sources within the text and by creating a list of your sources at the bottom of the page. You will not be graded on the accuracy of your MLA in-text and works cited format for references, but you will be graded for the attempt.”
  • For example, you would complete the following two steps when using information from a website.
    1. State in the text “according to ECOCIS, the salary for this career is …..” or “The average salary for a ……… is $54,970 (ECOCIS) to credit your source AND
    2. List the source at the bottom of the page.  “Website Article.” Website Title. Website Publisher, Date Month Year Published. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.
REMINDER: Delete all instructions in italics after you finish creating this page. 
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