Your Name

Evidence of Skills

Employers are increasingly desiring "evidence" or "proof" of a job candidates skill set.  This might be explanation on a resume/cover letter or during an interview or seeing tangible artifacts/evidence in a portfolio.  

Collecting evidence of your accomplishments and the skills that you are developing while in college will give you an edge in the job market.  The process will give you greater confidence about what you offer to a future employer as well as enhance your ability to articulate your strengths on paper as well as in person more effectively.  With the rise in websites such as, you can also link your ePortfolio to promote yourself to employers for unadvertised positions.  

Instructions:  As an Aims Community College student, you will be making progress towards the institutional learning outcomes which represent skills that are in demand for any career.  On this page, provide evidence of your current progress towards the THREE areas of skills within the institutional learning outcomes (1.) Thinking  (2.) Communication (3.) Professionalism.  They are outlined below the instructions.  In addition, provide evidence related to the career that you are planning to pursue or any other special skills that you have.  

The evidence that you choose might include samples of your work, a website you've designed, videos you've created, images of artwork you've made, a diagram or something of your own creation or writing a paragraph explaining your experience.  

At the minimum, you should include the following for each of the THREE areas of skills and those related to your future career: 

1.) Evidence 

2.) Explanation of how your sample demonstrates your learning of the skill.  Discuss the process that you went through to improve your ability and possibly how you want to improve further. 


Thinking: Problem solving navigating computer software programs:
  • You might write a paragraph on your experience learning how to use Foliotek and creating an ePortfolio and solving any problems/issues that came up.
Communication: Ability of create and/or edit written reports:
  • To demonstrate the progress you've made in written communication, you might upload a paper or two that you have written in a class.   Discuss the learning process that you went through and maybe how you have improved.  The Letter to Me or Mindset Essay are great options.  
Professionalism: Understand and appreciate perspective/human differences of others
  • You might write a paragraph describing what you have learned in a class or attending an event/speaker on campus related to this learning outcome.

Institutional Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing any program at Aims Community College, students should be able to acquire skills in the following areas. 

  • Students should be able to evaluate real-world examples in terms of course content and knowledge, applying thinking skills focused on critical thinking and/or problem solving.
    • Critical Thinking
      • Engage in reflective thinking and expression
      • Identifies and explains/explores Issues
      • Recognizes audience and/or stakeholders
      • Examines context
      • Frames personal responses and acknowledges other perspectives
      • Evaluates assumptions, evidence, implications, conclusions, and consequences
    • Problem Solving
      • Interprets the problem
      • Develops a strategy to solve the problem
      • Applies appropriate procedures and/or strategies to throughout the solution process
      • Uses representations to communicate understanding about the problem in context
      • Arrive at a workable solution to the problem
  • Students should be able to demonstrate a high level of written and oral communication skills as necessary for their future profession 
    • Written: Develop and express ideas in writing.
    • Oral: Prepare a purposeful presentation designed to increase knowledge, to foster understanding, or to promote change in the listeners' attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors.
  • Students should strive for excellence in performance of a required role in their future profession.  Examples include
    • Take responsibility for own actions
    • Honor commitments in the required role
    • Understand and appreciate perspective/human differences of others
    • Take initiative and show enthusiasm during learning opportunities
    • Develop the awareness and skills to take leadership roles in classrooms, the broader college, and the community
    • Understand and act on standards of professionalism, conduct and civility

REMINDER: Delete all instructions in italics after you finish creating this page. 

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